Friday, May 7, 2010

Good Times 'a Comin'

Yep, I'm anticipating a great day today leading into a great weekend. "Why?", you might ask. Well, I'm going to tell you! Today our new bed is being delivered!! I am extremely hopeful that this will alleviate some of my back issues. Our old mattress is embarrassingly old, and I've been begging for a new one for a few years now. We'd kinda forgot about it after we moved, until just recently when my sciatic nerve problems began. Voilà! We got a new mattress. The one and only good thing coming from my sciatica. :)

Second, tomorrow is the Farmers' Market. It is week two for the market. Last week I went with two friends, one of whom doesn't like early wake up calls, so we missed the fresh asparagus and rhubarb!! Oh woe was me. This week, HD and I are off early to be able to partake in all of the fresh goodies that went so rapidly last week. Asparagus is #1 on the list, followed closely by the ruby red rhubarb, from which I will make my "Not yet world famous" rhubarb ketchup. This ketchup is wonderful, but it particularly good with a turkey burger. Yummy. I'm down to my last container from last year, so it's time to get busy and put together another pot full. Needless to say, the tender, young asparagus has my mouth watering just thinking about it. I was told that last week, amounts per person were limited, so I hope that is not the case this week. I did get some spring onions, and there was bok choi available, as well. Since I was so bummed out about missing the asparagus and rhubarb, I just settled for some spring onions and we all went home. Tomorrow is going to be a completely different experience, I am certain of it. I'm taking my largest shopping bag along to be sure I don't run out of room.

In my zeal to beat all the neighbors in harvesting tomatoes, it would appear that I'll be covering them up the next few nights. I guess they say May 15 for planting them for a reason. :( Luckily, the plants are not all that pricey, so if I lose one (I only have 4) it won't be the end of the world, but I will have lost my competitive edge. My radishes and lettuce are up and looking perky as the dickens. They'll get covered too, as they are in the top part of the upside down tomato "thingy". My herbs are looking great, so guess I'll cover them as well. Replanting everything has no appeal whatsoever.

So there you have it! My wonderful weekend begins today between 11-1 when the bed is delivered. Then I'm off and running, ready to enjoy a terrific weekend. Hope you all are ready for a great weekend, too.


  1. Hope the bed does wonders for your back!
    I'm itching to plant things but it's too early here yet :(

  2. I won't tell you that I picked an entire grocery bag of asparagus and have had it twice this week.
    Sorry you missed it.

    P.S. My wife picked an even bigger bag of Rhubarb yesterday. :o)~~

  3. Happy shopping trip! Your enthusiasm is jumping off the screen! :)

  4. I think my comment got "eaten"
    Musta been a sweet one, eh?
    A good mattress/bed makes all the difference in the universe.

  5. Hope the bed is the answer.

    Siatica is a pain in the ....
    (Please forgive the pun)

  6. How is the new bed working for your back???????

    Soooo what goodies did you get at the farmers market???????

    Me, I picked my first strawberry from our strawberry beds and THAT was the crowning joy of sprinness for me!

    I was out this morning spraying down our plants that are already in the ground out in the garden becuase of that pesky frost last night!


Go on, leave a comment. You know you want to.