Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week One Is In The Books!

While it hasn't been a full week since the "Dumbest Thing I've Ever Done" Challenge began, my competition weighed in yesterday and reported a loss of 2.24%!! Thankfully, his weigh in took place before he did a mountain hike of 4 miles in the 96º heat!! I dodged a bullet there, I'm quite certain. My loss, while delighting me, was more modest. I had a 1.18% loss, which at this juncture, I'm very happy about. It erases the evils that beset me a week or two ago. So, while I did fall below the yellow line, (reference "The Biggest Loser") I was not eliminated!! We are still hard at it. I am also buoyed by the knowledge that my beloved competitor has indulged in a QuickTrip hot dog with all that wonderful squeeze cheese and drippy chili, so I'm feeling ever so much better about that, too. He hasn't entirely given up the soda pop, either. The Perfect Child has volunteered to sabotage his efforts, so I may eventually have to take her up on that offer, but as of now, I'm gonna play it straight. That might not last long, but at least I'm going to try. :) I am certainly not above taking help when it is needed. :)

I have to admit that my efforts are a bit more focused these days. For absolutely no other reason than that I am able to play golf on a much more regular basis. That just lifts my spirits enormously, and makes me much perkier....disgustingly so, some would say. I have to admit that I was tired of just doing the same old stuff day after day. Even my outdoor walks, which I enjoy were getting boring.

I have received confirmation that my "Almost, But Not Quite, World Famous Rhubarb Ketchup" is, indeed wonderful with turkey burgers! The Primary Child emailed me with that bit of news the other day. Being the wonderful parent I am, I resisted the urge to say "I told you so", and accepted the compliment with humility and gratitude, neither of which come naturally to me. I received the same plaudits for the rhubarb-chipotle BBQ sauce, too, so I am really on a rhubarb roll!! CSA deliveries start next Friday, so I am excited about that. I can't wait to see what's gonna show up. There was a limited delivery (not to our site) 2 weeks ago and they got asparagus, onions and garlic scapes. I'm hoping with an extra week in between, we'll be getting lots of goodies. I always look forward to the email telling us what we're going to get so I can begin gathering my recipes. It is just so nice to have fresh, organic, locally grown produce. I miss that in the winter months.

Onward and Downward in Week 2!! Be sure and have another hot dog, Jason....I'm buying!!


  1. Mmmmm.
    Quik Trip.....hot dogs.....
    Go, VRaz, Go!

  2. Congrats on the loss! You've got him now! Maybe he'll want some of those nachos & cheese to go with that chili dog, plus you know he's going to want dessert. Oh wait, that was me. :)

    (Didn't mean to insult you on my blog, even a little bit.)

  3. I been MIA. Looks like you got this all back under control.

  4. I love that you're doing this challenge, and I was laughing out loud at the hot dog w/ the cheese and dripping chili, lol. You're totally going to win. :)


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