Friday, January 21, 2011

Well, Now What?

Already one whole day into my new plan, and I'm pondering what should be today's plan. I'm torn between incorporating extra stairs into the daily number, or doing laundry! I suppose technically, doing laundry is a non-compliant event. Oh well, I tried. I estimate I go up and down our stairs (16 on each level) at least 5 times per day. This includes going up to bed and coming downstairs in the morning. (I'm counting up and down as one trip) I am thinking that an addition of 3 extra trips would be helpful for my knees, and fulfill my goal per day requirement.

Thinking, thinking always thinking...since I don't generally post on weekends I have come up with my two goals for Saturday and Sunday. For Saturday, I am going to be more aware of the actual amount of water I am drinking. I've not been keeping track, and I am pretty sure I am falling short. Sunday is in flux...laundry may win the day! A girl needs clean underwear, ya know. Not really. I want to make a healthy and satisfying Sunday supper. Hubby Dearest has been out of thorn this week so I think a comfort food Sunday supper would be nice. Any suggestions gratefully accepted.

In case anyone wonders, and I seriously doubt that you do, I did manage to meet yesterday's goal. In fact, I did 15 min twice on the recumbent. Big deal for me as I tend to NOT be an overachiever!


  1. I'm sure you will find some way to keep you busy!!! :)

    Awesome work on yesterdays goal!

  2. While proud of your goals, the big issue is:

    YOU TWEETED?????

  3. You are a new woman!
    Tweeting and spinning!


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