Monday, November 15, 2010

Yes, I'm Still Here!

After what seems like a long absence, I have rejoined the blogosphere. Nothing was wrong, I was not sick, and I wasn't being bad....I was being lazy. Well, that, and I'm trying to get everything in order for Thanksgiving, the last tailgate of the year and have the house in order for after my surgery. Needless to say, I'm anxiously awaiting Nov. 29 and my new knee.

I have my pre-op walk through this Thursday, and my physical on Monday. I should be all set to go. I'll be delighted to have my mobility restored. I have been trying to keep up with exercise and proper diet. I have to say, I'm doing ok in both regards. I'm not a shining star, by any means, but I've done pretty well.

A friend of mine recently broke her right foot, and is not allowed to drive, so I'm trying to accumulate brownie points by chauffeuring her around these last few days before I no longer can drive. Then, hopefully, she'll be able to take over. I'll be wheel-less for about 4 weeks. Certainly didn't wish an injury on her, but at least we can help each other out. Handy for me, not so great for her.

I must now take a moment to brag on The Primary Child. As a teacher, he doesn't have lots of time off, but he is going to take a personal day after my surgery to drive 2 hrs. one way to come help me out if needed. I thought that was a lovely gesture. I'm quite certain The Perfect Child would fly in from Phoenix if necessary. I got me some terrific kids!! Even Hubby Dearest surprised me by taking the entire week off after my surgery. Didn't see that comin'. I figured an hour here, an hour there....color me shocked. What a guy!!

Thank goodness the new Trader Joe's opened here before I was temporarily incapacitated. I have enjoyed my forays into the new store. I can now make shopping lists for all my favorite places and I'm sure HD will be happy to fulfill my every whim. For one who absolutely hates grocery shopping, his efforts will probably be less than enthusiastic. Poor guy. But if he wants to eat, he'll adapt.

I am able to read blogs on my Crackberry, so I'll be in and out of the blogs while I'm hobbled. I haven't found a good way to comment or post on my phone, so I may be silent, but I'll be checking up on everyone.

I'll check back in on the flip side of surgery. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. For those who are travelling, please travel safely. The very best to everyone. "See" you soon!!!


  1. I hope they all wait on you hand and foot, fanning you with big palm leaves and feeding you grapes. Or at least making sure you're comfy :)

  2. Glad you are well - good to "see" ya too!

  3. Every time I think you're gone forever, I see another post to give me hope!! lol Glad you're back to blogging. :)


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