I find that each day my energy increases, and my sciatic nerve pain lessens a bit. I still go to the chiro regularly, but I'm stretching the time between appointments each week. Even better, I've been able to play golf....adding to my exercise this week. Once again, I'm beginning to be satisfied with baby steps at this time.
My next cortisone shot is coming up in a week or two, so I'm hoping that some relief will be forthcoming. Easier walking should, theoretically, lead to lessening of the pressure on my sciatic nerve. At least that is what both the chiro and the orthopod tell me. Since at the time of my last shot, the sciatica was minimal, I'm awaiting that relief in that department.
I do have to confess a funny mistake I made last Saturday. It was football Saturday, and we were going to the game. In order to be ready for the long walk, I put on my knee brace early. Laced it up, buckled it, and off we go. About an hour away from the stadium, I realize I have put the brace on the wrong knee!! This required a trip to the restroom in our parking lot, and a bit of maneuvering to get it on the right knee....literally the right knee. Felt a bit silly, but everyone enjoyed a good laugh. I may have to use a magic marker now to make sure I'm hitching up the right side.