Thursday, September 23, 2010

Knock, Knock...

That is the sound of my knuckles meeting the desktop. Not that I'm overly superstitious, but just in case, I'm taking no chances. After 4 days of being miserable, and still trying to do the new stretches my chiro gave me, I had shown no relief in the sciatica. Then this morning, after a fairly miserable night, I awoke to the least amount of pain I've had is weeks and weeks!!! Instead of having to sit down on an ice bag for 45 min. to an hour before I could get anything done, I was ready to go in only 15 min.!!!! Hip, Hip, Hurray! I got right after the stretches, and began to graduate to a few leg lifts, and sit ups. Weights came later, but I did get a few done. No outdoor walk today, it's raining again. Baby steps.

I hesitate to get too excited and overdo, but I am feeling heartened by the little progress I'm currently enjoying. Now, I'm going to have to get my cooking and eating under control. I've felt so lousy lately, that I've not been good about food preparation, at all. Whatever I can throw together is what we end up with. Not good at all. In all honesty, there have been a few too many trips to a fast food joints, too. If this pain relief is the real deal, I'm anxious to get back and get crackin' on my new plan for more soups, and for using more grains and legumes.

Tomorrow is the last regular delivery for our CSA produce, but this year, I wised up and extended our share for the fall. I love the squash and fall veggies, so we decided to pony up and get the extended share. That will begin next week. Last week's box brought a little "Carnival" squash, and this week it should be ready to eat. I've been busy dehydrating chili peppers and making chili powder for soups this winter. I just finished a batch of tomatoes that I dehydrate and use as snack chips. I'm going thru all the right motions, I've just been terribly remiss in putting the right things into action.

I've also found, by stepping on the scales this morning, that I have not been maintaining my weight, as I thought I had. With little or no exercise, and a diet of junk and crap (sadly).... imagine my surprise when my scales showed a gain!!! Not as bad as it certainly could have been, but more than I'd like to have seen. I even modified my calorie intake to compensate for the lack of exercise, but then it just all went to hell, and off the wagon I tumbled. I'm reaching for the reins right now, trying to gain control of my wagon, so hopefully in the very near future, my results will be better. Here's hoping.


  1. I'm glad you're starting to feel better girl...being in constant pain is such a downer!! It only takes one day at a time to get right back up on that wagon....hope today's is THAT day...:)

  2. I'm glad you're starting to see some progress and relief! Let's hope it continues!


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