Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ho Hum!

Another day, another blog post. OMG!!! This makes two in a row! Alert the media, I'm back at it. Well, sorta. After yesterday's "Oh Woe Is Me" post I felt I owed it to myself (and to the one or two people who actually read my blog) to let you know that I am seeing some improvement. My walk yesterday was, in fact, longer than the day before, so that's progress. I still have great difficulty getting on the recumbent bike, but that day will come soon, I am sure. For now, a few weights and a walk or two is about all I can muster.

I can't tell if the prednisone is really helping yet or not. I do know that it tastes bitter, and gives me terrible indigestion. Ahhhh, the price one must pay for results. The gigantic bruise on my butt is not subsiding, and sitting is still an issue. Perhaps I mentioned I had a deep tissue massage, with a sledge hammer, so I'm still mighty tender. Ice, Ice, Baby!! The good news is that I did, as usual, awaken at 3:00 this morning for my nightly trip to the potty, but instead of being in pain and having to go downstairs to medicate and sit on my ice bag, I was able to go back to bed with minimal pain, and get 3 hrs. more of the sleep I so desperately crave. That, my friends, is progress. I still have the morning pain, but it begins to subside about 11, so I am hopeful that each day, as the prednisone takes hold, my mobility will arrive earlier in the by day.

I am currently able to get some work done around the house, so that makes me feel a little bit more useful. Can't do some household tasks, but they are the ones that I hate to do when I'm completely well.....vacuuming being one of them. Luckily, Hubby Dearest has sprung for a cleaning lady, but she is only able to come every 4 weeks until Nov. But believe me, that is better than nothing. So, I am trying to maintain bathrooms and dust now and again. Not too much bending over at one time, and I can "Get 'er done!"

Lest I bore you all further, I shall now go back upstairs to my comfy chair and lovely ice bag. Getting a lot of reading done as I sit all day. Boring, but at least I don't have to twiddle my thumbs all day long.


  1. First i'm really happy to see you blogging again :) Second i'm even more happy to hear that your moving around a little easier today!!
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Yeah, VRaz - I missed you!
    Get well ASAP!

  3. When I had my first deep tissue massage, the therapist warned me that I would be quite sore for a few days. I didn't see how it could be any worse than the massage. But...OW! I could barely move! LOL Three days later, though, I was on cloud nine.

    Hope you continue to improve!


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