Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Can anyone help in identifying this large, mysterious object in the sky? I'm having difficulty placing the name of it.

Yes!!!! The SUN!! It has been a distant memory, but today it appeared again. I am quite certain it has shown itself with the sole purpose of making me feel better. (If that's not the case, don't burst my bubble, keep that thought to yourself.)

It is Wednesday Weigh In, and I stayed the same as yesterday's weigh in total. I am down 1.1#, so I did, in fact, meet my 1# per week goal. Now, with spirits buoyed by my loss, and the sun's appearance, I anticipate a wonderful day. I have not yet done my dancing or my biking, but I will now do so with a bit of an extra lilt in my step. I have it on good authority (albeit the TV weather guy) that this strange object in the sky may linger an extra day or two!!

Hallelujah!! The perfect beginning to Lent. I was all set to give up feeling perky until April, but now I'll alter those plans. :) Perhaps I'll do something a bit more meaningful.


  1. It can't be the sun. Your camera must be jacked up.

  2. Sun???? I'm sooooooooooooooo jealous. Would you mind sharing PLEASE????? :)

  3. I've got the sun here as well. Maybe we can persuade God to let it stay out the majority of the day!

    And congratulations on meeting your weekly goal!

  4. Haha - I saw it here, too!
    How cool and/or not cool is that!

  5. We could see it here, too! Amazing what it does for the spirits, isn't it?

    Those scale results certainly didn't hurt. :) Congrats!

  6. Hey, even if it's a hallucination caused by too much dancing, it's a dang good hallucination. Enjoy the sun!

  7. Congrats on the loss and the sunny day! Woo hoo!

  8. Awww, let there be light!!! Woo-hoo. Have a beautiful, sunny day.

    Congrats on your loss! Woo-hoo!

  9. Good job meeting your weekly goal. I've seen the sun for three days now, and it sure has perked me up too.


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