Wednesday, March 25, 2009

HCPA= Hundred Calorie Packs Anonymous

Well, I'm quite sure everyone has been losing sleep knowing that today was my weigh in morning, and you all have been waiting excitedly for the outcome of that weigh in. Ta - Da!! I lost 2 pounds. Not earth shattering by any means, but forward progress. My total weight loss thus far is 10 pounds. I am going the right direction, and have taken control of my health, and for me, that is what really counts. After only 3 weeks, I'm pretty darned happy with my progress.

My biggest thrill was yesterday when I actually resisted the Devil's handiwork (100 cal. packs) for the entire day and evening. Not ONE did I ingest. I think this might be the first step in what will probably be my 12 step program. HCPA, or "Hundred Calorie Packs Anonymous" will be my new help group. I'm the first member, so "Hi, I'm Vraz and I am a 100 cal pack junkie." I suppose I should also add that my addiction is pathetic. I do wonder, tho', if 100 cal. popcorn bags count as 100 cal. packs? I may need to have some "wiggle room" on this addiction. :) I'll be working on the framework for the remaining 11 steps in the days to come.

It's gotten cooler and drearier, if that's possible, around here again. Now they say we could have snow on the weekend. Back to walking/riding inside again. And even tho' I can watch TV while I ride/walk, I still like being outside better. I suppose I shouldn't complain too loudly, as watching the weather last night North & South Dakota have it much worse than we do. But their weather doesn't affect ME, so I tend to forget about their problems. :0 I know, I'm selfish and self centered, but that's all part of trying to get myself whipped back into shape. It is all about ME!! Just as it should be all about YOU, too. Selfish ain't all bad when we're talking about taking control of our health. That's my theory, and I'm stickin' to it.


  1. Hi, I'm RazZDoodle and my entire family is addicted to Quaker Oatmeal Squares.

    Get a Wii Fit. A lot more fun than walking on the 'mill. :) :)

  2. Congratulations on the nice loss :)
    Hi, i'm suzanne and i'm addicted to anything with sugar!!

  3. Congrats on the continued weight loss!
    Hi, I'm JojaJogger and its not my fault, I was accosted by girl scouts at the grocery store.

  4. I have battle that addiction and won myself. Great loss, 10 lbs in 3 wks is awesome. I've been at this so long 3 lbs in 3 wks is great to me. Good luck with your next 11 steps, the first step is always the hardest. Thanks for making me smile on this dreary day.

  5. WOOHOO on the loss!! You are a rock star!!

    No, the 100 cal. popcorn doesn't count as the 100 cal. snacks if you use the kind you pop yourself.'s not filled with all the bad stuff like preservatives. So do enjoy your pop corn. You don't want to deprive yourself of all lifes pleasures.


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